Recent Development Permits

03-2024 - May 1, 2024

57 Marion Crescent

672 sq.ft. Garage


02-2024 - May 1, 2024

228 Willow Drive

Build Driveway


01-2024 - May 1, 2024

72 Marion Crescent

16' Gate, Max Height 6'

Hierarchy of Development Plans


The Baptiste Lake Intermunicipal Development Plan (IDP) is a statutory plan between Athabasca County and the Summer Villages of South Baptiste, Sunset Beach, West Baptiste, and Whispering Hills for lands around Baptiste Lake. The IDP was adopted by all municipalities as of September 2021 and is now in effect for the lands within the plan area.

The purpose of this IDP is to:

  • Coordinate land use policies, future development, and long-term growth within the plan area between the participating municipalities
  • Implement consistent land management goals
  • Reduce the possibility of future land use conflicts
  • Establish processes for communication, referral, and dispute resolution

Intermunicipal Development Plan


The Intermunicipal Collaboration Framework is a list of services provided by neighboring communities.

Intermunicipal Collaboration Framework


The Municipal Development Plan sets a plan for future development within the Summer Village of Whispering Hills.  It plans for the long term, roughly 10 years.

Municipal Development Plan


All Municipalities are required to enact a Land Use Bylaw providing for Land Use Zoning. This essentially classifies the type of development allowed on a parcel of land and contains rules for setback distances from property boundaries, total percentage of lot area covered by buildings, maximum height of buildings and other matters relative to development. Please consult the Summer Village of Whispering Hills Land Use Bylaw for details.

This bylaw contains the rules and regulations for the development of land in the Summer Village.

Whispering Hills Land Use Bylaw


Kim Bancroft

(780) 239-7323

Email: [email protected]


Development Permits are applied for through the summer village office.

When do you need a Development Permit

Development Permit Application

All other permits are applied for through the Inspections Group.  Please contact them directly with questions on these permits.  The Inspections  Group also conduct inspections on behalf of the Summer Village and are accredited under the Alberta Safety Codes Act.

How to obtain a Building Permit

Building Permit Application

Plumbing Permit Application

Electrical Permit Application

Gas Permit Application

Sewer Permit Application


Development Permit Fees - $100.00

Accessory Building Only Permit Fee - $50.00

Inspections Group Fee Schedule

Compliance Certificate (With recent RPR only) - $100.00