Please be advised that the Whispering Hills Transfer Site will start opening two days a week starting this Saturday and…
Hello Everyone, I hope all is well in the land of Whispering Hills and everyone is combating this virus, COVID…
Attached please find the latest BAILS newsletter. PDFsam_merge.pdf
Please see attached Water Invaders Brochure from the Association of Summer Villages of Alberta. Water Invaders Brochure.pdf
As we have a number of residents who are not paying their property taxes within the deadline of July 31st…
Please see attached Fall 2019 Newsletter
A resident of Whispering Hills has created a facebook page for the summer village. Please search “The Summer Village of…
Hello Everyone, Andrew is looking for volunteers for Tuesday, July 2. The material for the perimeter fence for the park…
Attached please find the Spring 2019 Newsletter. Spring 2019.pdf